Community Supported Agriculture

what exactly is CSA, and why is it something I should care about?
Great question! CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it is a great way to acquire real, transparent food while simultaneously supporting a local farmer.
what You get when you join OUR Produce CSA:
20 weeks of fresh, delicious, in-season, vegetables (May-October). Delivered to the Hyde Park Farmers’ Market each week.
The ability to choose your own share items: Our super-flexible market style CSA is completely customizable through a simple point system (click here for example shares). Instead of a pre-packed share, you can expect to find each week’s bounty displayed in our CSA tent, an area reserved for our CSA members to build their own shares during pickup. Perfect for special diets!
A wide array of veggies--We strive to grow a variety of familiar vegetables, along with a few exciting, less common veggies. Many of our customers have told us that our CSA has exposed them to new “weird” vegetables that have now become a staple part of their diets. You might call us “veggie ambassadors”.
Naturally-grown produce--We don’t use any synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms. We’ve taken a pledge to grow your food with integrity!
Pastured, non-GMO eggs – you get first pick on our nourishing brown eggs. Like the veggie items in the CSA tent, eggs are reserved for CSA members, should you decide to use your CSA points on eggs.
Easy access to our grassfed, non-GMO meats (optional)– available at every pickup, purchased separately as either an add-on item or through our Meat CSA.
Weekly contact with your farmer – we will be present at every pickup if you have any questions about the share, what to do with unfamiliar vegetables, or anything else you can think of.
You're supporting a local business -- It might not seem like a world-shifting sum when you send in your check, but it is! 100% of your dollars go right to us, purchasing things like seeds, supplies, greenhouses, cover crops, soil amendments, and keeping us going through the lean winter months.
You become an active participant in regenerative farming – Eating food from a farm that chooses to work with nature and heal the land, rather than degrade it, is a profound act of resource stewardship.