I commit to membership in the Eaton Farm Market Style CSA. As a member, I agree to support the farm with payment for my share before I am eligible to participate in the program. In addition, I agree to come to my chosen pickup location regularly throughout the season and use my farm points. I understand that as a member of a Market Style CSA, I have the ability to customize my share each week.
I understand that it is my responsibility to use up my weekly allotment of points at each pickup or those points will be lost. I realize that unused points will not carry over from week to week. I am aware that I may choose up to 4 makeup days to accommodate missed pickups, during which I may spend double the amount of my weekly point allowance. I promise to try my best to give notice if I must miss a pickup, as it is very helpful if I am able to do so. Whenever possible, I will alert my farmers via email or in person at least 24 hours prior to the missed pickup.
While I may pickup my share any time during market hours, I realize that the best selection of produce will be available before 11:30 am. Unless prior arrangements have been made, I understand that items will not be reserved for CSA members after 11:30 am, but will be available while supplies last. If I regularly cannot arrive until after 11:30am, I will communicate with my farmers and they will work with me to accommodate my schedule.
I am aware that Market Style CSA points purchased for a given season/time frame may be used during that season/time frame only, and the points may not be used interchangeably with different share types (i.e., Produce Share points cannot be used for Meat Share purchases and vice-versa). I understand that my points will not transfer over into future seasons and they are not refundable. For this reason, I will try my best to have a spending plan and shop regularly at the Eaton Farm booth in order to get the most benefit out of my share.
As a member of the CSA, I will have the opportunity to choose from a weekly selection of produce and eggs to build my share. I understand that at times, certain items will have limits based on share size to ensure that everyone receives their fair share of the popular items that may be chosen more quickly. I know that the selection and quantity of produce and eggs available to me each week is dependent on growing conditions that vary from season to season and that the risks and benefits of the harvest are shared. I realize that I am involved in a biological system that is impacted by weather, insects, diseases, wildlife, and other dynamics of production, and, as such, there is risk of crop failure. Should this happen, I understand that there will be no refunds and the quantity and variety of available items could be greatly impacted. I know that my farmers, Jerry and Liz Eaton, promise to do their best to provide me with a bountiful share each week.